Sunday, December 27, 2009

What is the difference and relasship betwen programming language, assembly and binary language?

Assembly language is a symbolic programming language that's easier for human beings to understand than ';binary language'; (it's not binary language, it's machine language - it can be represented in binary, octal, decimal, hexidecimal or any other number base). Machine code is also a programming language. (With the first microcomputer, you put programs into the computer in machine language - in binary - by flipping switches.

If's just easier for a human being to read and understand

Call PrintOutput

than it is to remember what


is. Same instruction (okay, so CD is 8080 for Call), but assembly is a lot easier if your ';brain'; isn't made of silicon.

High-level languages (C, BASIC, COBOL, Python, PHP, Spitbol, Algol, ad almost infinitum) are languages that don't bear a one-to-one relationship between the code you write and the machine language that code generates. (Assembly is one-to-one with machine language - you're writing machine language in an easier dialect.)What is the difference and relasship betwen programming language, assembly and binary language?
Any language used to prepare instructions for a computer is a programming language.

Assembly language is a programming language that more or less directly represents individual machine instructions executable by the computer hardware. All assembly languages provide a method for indicating the exact sequence of individual hardware instructions to execute, although many also provide a macro facility that allows groups of instructions to be represented symbolically by a single symbol or line in the assembly-language program. Non-assembly programming languages lack this one-to-one capability.

Binary language, or machine language, is the actual set of bit patterns that the computer hardware will interpret and execute as instructions once a program is loaded into memory. Translation of assembly language into machine language is very straightforward and can often be one line = one machine instruction. Compilation and interpretation of higher-level programming languages generally always produces a great many machine instructions for each line of source code.

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